Mini Wiki

When seeking technical information on a MINI just knowing the Model is not enough. You also need to know its Series and Build Date. This information is easily obtainable by entering the last 7 digits of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or chassis number on either of the four following sites:

  1. BMW Vin decoder by
  2. BMW Vin decoder by Vindecoderz
  3. BMW Vin decoder by Epicvin
  4. BMW Vin decoder by Mdecoder
  5. BMW Vin decoder by
  7. BMW Vin decoder by PROVINDECODER

The Series is used to determine to which Generation a MINI belongs:

Series Generation
R50 1st
R52 1st
R53 1st
R55 2nd
R56 2nd
R57 2nd
R58 2nd
R59 2nd
R60 2nd

The Build Date (Production Date) can be important when it comes to purchasing a MINI, fixing problems or buying parts. Some dates of note:

Date Description
2004 / 07 1st Gen facelift changes introduced into production
2006 / 11 Last R50 and R53 models built
2008 / 07 Last R52 models built
2010 / 08 2nd Gen LCI changes introduced into production